Tag Archives: Five Year Plan

Five Year Plan 2011-2016 – Summary of Achievements and Learning

National Spiritual Assembly

1 November 2017

18 ‘Ilm 174 B.E.

All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We are pleased to share with the friends that, at the request of the Universal House of Justice and under the supervision of the International Teaching Centre, a book has been prepared, titled The Five Year Plan, 2011-2016: Summary of Achievements and Learning.

This new publication is described in a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, dated 19 October 2017 to all National Spiritual Assemblies:

The volume illustrates the endeavours of the Bahá’í community in furthering the process of growth, and highlights, among other themes, advances made toward releasing the potential of the youth, enhancing institutional capacity, and the establishment of Houses of Worship. This work also describes activities undertaken by the Bahá’í community in the areas of social action and participation in the discourses of society, as well as developments that have unfolded at the Bahá’í World Centre. The friends in your community will no doubt be pleased to read of the manifold achievements of the Bahá’í community in the course of the previous Plan, and draw much inspiration from the accounts of the services of the believers across the world.

Copies of this book will be stocked by Bahá’í Books UK in due course and those of you who are interested in purchasing a copy may order it once it has arrived in stock. The website of Bahá’í Books UK is: https://www.bahaibooks.org.uk/

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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