Tag Archives: funds

From the Office of the Treasurer

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

On 29 August, the National Spiritual Assembly called upon the community [GC-34095] to raise £475,000 for the Residential Training Centre and Temple land.  This was on the back of the fund raising initiative held at four of the UK’s summer schools during which a remarkable £235,000 was raised.  With a target date set for 27 September, we are delighted to announce that in the six days since that appeal went out, an additional £17,898 has been contributed, taking the total to £252,898.

We would like to share two stories of sacrificial giving at the summer schools that have touched us deeply.

  • One morning as the friend serving at the contributions desk was setting up his computer, a young believer of nine or ten years of age very politely approached him and asked to make a contribution to the Fund.  He was invited to take a seat whilst the receipt book was taken out and was then asked to which fund he would like to contribute.  The boy said that he wanted to contribute to the wonderful projects that he had heard about during the summer school and passed across £30 in cash, excited to be able to contribute to acquiring the future Temple Land.  He was warmly thanked for his wonderful contribution and was presented with his receipt which he eagerly read. When he was walking away, he kept looking at his receipt and had a very sweet smile on his face. 
  • Another friend approached a member of the National Spiritual Assembly and shared how happy she was to see the advancement of the Faith in the United Kingdom.  Not having been born here, she shared how she had been delighted to have the opportunity to visit the Guardian’s Resting Place whenever she had the chance and was thrilled to hear that there were now plans to build a Temple at some point in the future.  She remarked that the Guardian had such a love for the friends in the British Isles which is why she chose the U.K. as her home and she tried to give regularly to the maintenance of the Resting Place.  Without thought she then handed two cheques, one for the upkeep of the Resting Place and another for the Temple land, saying that she had not thought to give two cheques, but that she felt sad about the prospect of not giving to the Guardian as well and so doubled the contribution after consulting her daughter.

It is truly wonderful to see the response so far from the friends.  The National Assembly hopes and prays that universal participation will enable us to even surpass the goal set.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

How to contribute
By post to:
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom, Finance Office
27 Rutland Gate,
London SW7 1PD

Or by bank transfer:
Bank Name: NatWest
Sort Code: 60 04 04
Account No: 18188443
Account Name: NSA – Fund account.
(If using this method, please also send an email to office.treasurer@bahai.org.uk providing your name, details of the amount, and the date of the transfer, and indicate what your contribution is for)

Or online at https://resources.bahai.org.uk/welcome/donations/

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