Tag Archives: graduate seminar

Discourse and Social Transformation: Achieving Coherence

Institute for Global Prosperity seminar for
university graduates and young professionals – 2020

Discourse and Social Transformation: Achieving Coherence

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is pleased to announce the upcoming offering of its seminar for university graduates and young professionals in Europe. This seminar aims to assist young adults to develop the capacity to examine and analyze society and the forces acting upon it and to introduce relevant aspects of the Bahá’í Teachings both in their academic and professional fields and in other social spaces in which they are present.

ISGP is a non-profit organization, working in collaboration with the Bahá’í International Community, which is dedicated to building capacity in individuals, groups and institutions to contribute to prevalent discourses concerned with the betterment of society. Drawing on both science and religion as two complementary systems of knowledge and practice, ISGP fosters the creation of learning environments where knowledge and experience can be shared and systematized. Principles, concepts and approaches that are relevant to the advancement of civilization are explored through processes of study, reflection, and consultation that are grounded in practice.

Developments in the region related to the coronavirus pandemic are being closely followed. Depending on the circumstances, the graduate seminar will either be offered from 18 to 29 December 2020 at the Tambach Seminar Centre in Germany, or alternative arrangements will be made.


The seminar is open to young adults who have completed undergraduate degrees in diverse fields of study and are considering graduate studies, are part way through their graduate studies, or are in the early stages of their careers or other forms of service to humanity.

Applications can be sent to isgp@bwc.org and must be received by 10 August 2020, after which they will not be considered. Should it be possible for the seminar to be held in person in Germany, participants are asked to meet their own transportation costs for the seminar, in addition to a fee of €498, due shortly after acceptance to the seminar, that will cover printed materials used at the seminar, lodging, and three meals per day.

Prerequisites for the seminar:

(a) Completion of a bachelor’s degree prior to attending the seminar.

(b) Successful completion of the course Contributing to the Advancement of Civilization (Unit 1: Justice and the Oneness of Humankind). This course is offered online and administered by the LazosLearning Association. It is eight weeks long and requires approximately 10–15 hours of study per week.

Detailed information about enrolment, fees, and satisfactory completion of the course can be obtained at www.lazoslearning.org. The application deadline for the last intake of this course that will be accepted before the graduate seminar is 4 September 2020.

(c) Background reading of selected texts, for all participants, before the start of the seminar. These readings will be sent to participants several weeks before the seminar.

You can download the above announcement by clicking here.

You can download the application form by clicking here.

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