Tag Archives: holy places

Message from the Universal House of Justice

3 April 2021
15 Bahá 178 B.E.


2 April 2021

To all National Spiritual Assemblies

Dearly loved Friends,

              We are delighted to announce that, despite the various restrictions and limitations caused by the current global health crisis, a significant undertaking aimed at the comprehensive conservation of the House of ‘Abbúd at the heart of the ancient city of ‘Akká has been successfully concluded.  The two-year project included a major programme for the structural reinforcement of the building for seismic resistance; replastering of some 5,000 square metres of internal and external walls; conservation of the original painted ceilings; restoration of marble and stone; and substantial waterproofing.

              That haven of immeasurable sanctity and immensely significant history for all peoples—the place where the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the Charter of a new civilization, was revealed by the Pen of the Most High—has now been restored to a standard that aims at preserving the building in a befitting condition for centuries to come.  We look forward eagerly to the moment when the easing of public health restrictions will allow the flow of pilgrims to the Holy Land to resume and the visits to this sacred building to begin again.

[signed] The Universal House of Justice

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