Tag Archives: human rights

UK Bahá’í News Update

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  • Webinars on social media and non-involvement in politics
  • 2019 in review – a year of historic developments
  • UN General Assembly calls on Iran to end human rights violations

Webinars on social media and non-involvement in politics

There are still places available in the two webinars to discuss social media and non-involvement in politics, which will be hosted on Monday 13 January 2020 (youth and young professionals) and Tuesday 14 January 2020 (all other believers).

The Universal House of Justice has recently addressed this subject in its letter of 1 December 2019.  The webinars have been arranged to assist the friends to study this message further, along with the message dated 2 March 2013 from the Supreme Body to the Bahá’ís of Iran.

The messages are now also available in Persian:
1 December 2019 – Persian
2 March 2013 – Persian

To register for one of the webinars, please fill out this form.  Should there be extra demand, further webinars will be organised in due course.

2019 in review – a year of historic developments

The Bahá’í World News Service, reflecting on 2019, provides a brief overview of stories in the past year about developments in the global Bahá’í community and a glimpse of the extraordinary worldwide celebrations that took place in honour of the second historic bicentenary.  Read more, here.

UN General Assembly calls on Iran to end human rights violations
The United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution calling on the Iranian authorities to end ongoing human rights violations, including those against the Bahá’ís in Iran.  Read more, here >

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