Tag Archives: Huququ’llah

UK Bahá’í News Update

25 June 2020
3 Raḥmat 177 B.E.


  • Online courses on Ḥuqúqu’lláh
  • Elevate: New content
  • BWNS: Statement on racial prejudice spurs vital conversation in the US
  • BWNS: Distinctive role of teachers comes to light in times of crises
  • BIC: Beyond measure: The heart of humanity’s crisis

Online courses on Ḥuqúqu’lláh
A number of courses are currently being offered online to the friends by the Ḥuqúqu’lláh Representatives. Please contact huquq@bahai.org.uk to register an interest in any of the courses described below:

Rethinking Material Wealth – A New Attitude (approx. 9 hours) 
An eye-opening and highly relevant progression of study that approaches Ḥuqúqu’lláh from the angle of its spiritual significance to the individual and the transformation of the economics of humanity. 

Twelve Lessons on Ḥuqúqu’lláh by Dr. Firaydoun Javaheri (approx. 9 hours)

Young adults deepening (2-6 hours tailored to suit the interest and availability of the participants) 
Aimed at helping believers early in their professional careers to achieve a balance between the pursuit of material prosperity and developing spiritual virtues.  

Making a Will & Testament and Providing for Ḥuqúqu’lláh in your Will:(approx. 3 hours)
Includes updated guidance from the National Spiritual Assembly with guidance notes for executors and solicitors.

Families and children (3-6 hours tailored to suit the interest and availability of the participants)
A workshop that helps friends consider the steps they can take to create conditions within their family that will help children develop an appropriate view of material wealth and its utilization.

Elevate: New content
Elevate, a collection of resources to support a growing movement to create greater spiritual consciousness, can be found at https://www.elevateworld.org/

Collections of prayers, readings and inspirational materials to use in devotional gatherings and inspire elevated conversation and action are now available on the topics of Upholding Justice at the Collective Level, Upholding Justice at the Individual Level, Change, Overcoming Racism, Mental Health, Joy, Wellness, Hope, Friendship, Patience, Strength and Gratitude.




Statement on racial prejudice spurs vital conversation in the US

A public statement from the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States on racial prejudice and spiritual principles essential for progress toward peace released days ago has already stimulated critical reflection across the country.  Read more, here >

Distinctive role of teachers comes to light in times of crises

Read more, here>

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Bahá’í International Community Perspective

Beyond measure: The heart of humanity’s crisis

Read more here >

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