Tag Archives: individual believer

Passing of Kathryn Delpak

National Spiritual Assembly

26 March 2015
6 Bahá 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly was deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Kathryn Delpak.

For nearly fifty years Kathryn was a shining example of steadfastness and loving commitment to the expansion and consolidation of the Cause, especially in South Wales. She served on the Spiritual Assembly of Cardiff, the mother Assembly of Wales, for nearly four decades. For a time she pioneered, together with her husband, Ramez, to Brecon to support the formation of that district’s first Spiritual Assembly.

Kathryn served in many capacities over the years: as one of the first contingent of assistants to the Auxiliary Board for Protection in Wales; as a member of the Regional Bahá’í Council for Wales from 2002 when the Council was elected for the first time; as a representative of the Faith in many spaces in the field of external affairs; as a delegate to National Convention on a number of occasions; and, since 2009, as a member of the Regional Board of Trustees of Ḥuqúqu’lláh for the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom, upon which she served at the time of her passing. In all of these capacities, she served with great distinction, bringing encouragement and happiness to all who crossed her path.

Those who met Kathryn were touched by her nobility and dignity, her kindness and warmth, her attentiveness to the needs of others, her ability to bring everyone into a circle of friendship, and the charm and joyfulness with which she spoke on public occasions of the Faith she loved so much. She was courageous and devoted to the protection of the Faith, ensuring that its integrity would never be compromised. Kathryn’s life, so full of radiant qualities, expressed her deep love for Bahá’u’lláh.

The National Assembly expresses its heartfelt condolences to her dearly loved husband, Ramez, to her beloved daughter, Yasmin, to her grand-daughter, Charlotte and other members of her family, and will offer prayers for the progress of her noble soul in all the worlds of God as well as for the comfort of her family.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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