Tag Archives: Irfan Colloquium

‘Irfán Colloquium 2019 – open invitation

`Irfán Colloquium is a friendly gathering held in an informal and collegial atmosphere, which provides a unique opportunity for meeting and associating with those interested in systematic Bahá’í studies.  The beautiful surroundings of the Acuto Centre provide a restful and refreshing environment for the participants. The `Irfán program includes presentations by scholars from different countries of systematic studies on fundamental principles of  Bahá’í beliefs, the writings of the Central Figures of the Bahá’í Faith, and the interface between the Bahá’í Faith and current intellectual and religious trends. On the occasion of the Bicentennial Celebrations of the Birth of the Báb the program will highlight presentations concerning His ministry. Participants of the `Irfán Colloquium receive a free set of recent `Irfán publications. the program will start in the evening on Thursday 27 June and will end after dinner on 30 June 2019. Departure is on July 1, 2019

Presentations will include the following topics related to the Ministry of the Bab: 

Exploring the Major Concepts and Terms revealed in the Persian Bayan 

What is Reality? The Báb’s Commentary on the Tradition of Kumayl  

Ottoman Perceptions of the Bab 

The manifold meanings of several terms used in the writings of the Bab

The Word Bahá in the Báb’s Oldest Major Work, The Tafsír Súrat al-baqara

Heritage of Babi period in the Baha’i Faith

A reading of the Bab’s Tafsir Súrat al-tawhid

There will also be presentations on a variety of other topics including perspectives from the Baha’i writings on: the  Psalms, Ten commandments, Insights on Business and  Global Health challenges as well as on Anti-Jihád and anti-violence teachings in the early writings of Bahá’u’lláh, Praying for others and acting in such a way that others may love us,and Various concepts of “Names” and “Attributes “in the writings of Baha’u’llah

Presenters include:  Vahid RafatiMoojan Momen, Habib Riazati, Julio Savi, Todd Lawson, Shahrokh Monjazeb, Marco Oliviera, Sivan Lerer,Wendi Momen, Necati Alkan, Hooman Momen and others.

Information about `Irfán Colloquium and the details of the program are posted on:


For  registration and reservation of accommodation please contact

Acuto Centre for Bahá’í Studies:

Tel. 39-0775-56061.  E-mail: <lapanoramicahotel@gmail.com>

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