Tag Archives: IT

Service positions at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds

National Spiritual Assembly

26 September 2016
1 Mashíyyat 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Inviting Applications for Two Coordinator Roles at the National Office

The National Assembly would like to invite applications to serve in one of two new Coordinator roles at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds.

With the wholehearted support of the staff, the National Assembly is constantly seeking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Office, and to nurture a culture of operational excellence and continuous improvement. In this context, the National Assembly now intends to restructure the Department of Services to create a new Coordinator role.

Coordinator of Information Services

The Coordinator of Information Services will lead a team of two IT Officers managing the provision of services at the National Office and across the UK community. The National Assembly’s systems are increasingly supporting the work of the Regional Councils, the Training Institute Boards and Cluster Coordinators – as well as the National Assembly’s own committees and agencies. In total, there are around 200 individuals and institutions using systems provided by the National Assembly – and this number continues to grow.

Much progress has been made in recent months in systematising the work of the Information Services team. This maturation has ensured much greater vigilance in IT security, and has enabled the rapid growth in the number of users. But much remains to be done.

The new Coordinator will focus on continuing to streamline the IT Support function while accelerating progress in the replacement of critical core systems. The Coordinator will also play a leading role on matters of data protection, serving as the National Assembly’s Data Protection Officer.

Coordinator of Services

The re-shaped role of Coordinator of Services will lead a team of two staff members comprising the Records Officer and the Custodian. In addition to the duties associated with these two roles, the Services Department will continue to be responsible for welcoming and assisting all who call or visit the National Office as well as coordinating activities required to support the Bahá’í electoral cycle and other events. The Services Department will continue to rely heavily upon the devoted services of many volunteers who provide hospitality for visitors as well as supporting events and projects.

The Coordinator of Services will continue to serve the National Assembly Secretary in matters of personnel administration, and will serve as the National Assembly’s Health & Safety Coordinator. In addition, the Coordinator of Services will continue to nurture the systematisation of the work of the National Office through the continuing development of procedure manuals and task support materials that will make it easier for staff and volunteers to contribute effectively from the start of their service, and to play their part in continuous improvement.

To apply for these positions

Both are full-time roles and based at the National Office. It should be possible though to arrange to work from home one day per week if necessary. Both roles require, of course, a caring and loving attitude combined with the ability to take initiative. Good communication skills and the ability to work well with others are essential.

As usual, a salary is offered to enable a successful applicant to carry out their service. As with all service to the Faith, there is also the opportunity to undertake it on a voluntary basis or part-voluntary basis. The initial service period would normally be for two years.

Individuals who would like to apply for thess positions are asked to kindly submit a copy of their curriculum vitae, together with a letter sharing their reasons for applying for this service, to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the UK, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD or by email to nsa@bahai.org.uk. The current Coordinator of Services, who is available to answer questions about these roles, can be contacted by telephone at the National Office or by email at services@bahai.org.uk.

Your prayerful consideration of this opportunity to serve in these valued roles is deeply appreciated.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara

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