Tag Archives: IT

IT service position at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds

National Spiritual Assembly

01 October 2015
5 Mashíyyat 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly would like to encourage those friends with IT expertise to consider applying for the role of IT Projects Officer at the National Hazíratu’l-Quds. There is an urgent need to fill this important service position at this time, so we would urge anyone who has the possibility of offering a period of service of two years or more to give this request serious consideration.

IT is at the centre of so many initiatives and underpins so much of the work of all those who serve the Cause in this country – whether an individual or an institution, whether a volunteer or a staff member, whether serving full-time at the National Office or serving part-time and remotely. Effective IT expands our possibilities and unlocks higher levels of productivity.

Against this backdrop, the National Assembly is seeking to grow its IT capabilities with the new role of IT Projects Officer.

The IT Projects Officer will focus on major upgrades and developments of certain core systems and will also be involved in a range of smaller projects and enhancements. The IT Projects Officer will assist with IT support work as required, to provide operational cover and to cope with peak loads; their day-to-day focus though will be on progressing the strategic projects which underpin future improvements.

Ideally, the IT Projects Officer will have experience in a business analyst or process improvement role, and be comfortable with managing IT projects through to successful outcomes – while also happy to roll up their sleeves to assist with IT support challenges when necessary. Expertise in Sharepoint and Office 365 would be ideal, while familiarity with Sage, SQL Server, MS Access and Windows Server 2012 would also be very helpful.

There is scope for flexibility depending upon an individual’s expertise and circumstances:

  • The contract duration could be just one year rather than 24 months
  • This might be an ideal first role for a recent IT graduate looking to gain broad business experience in both operations and projects
  • Although ideally a full-time role and based in the National Office, we would also welcome expressions of interest from friends who are otherwise well-qualified but only able to serve four, or possibly even three, days per week, or would need to work remotely for part of the time.

A salary is offered to enable a successful applicant to carry out their service. As with all service to the Faith, there is also the opportunity to undertake it on a voluntary basis or part-voluntary basis.

Individuals who would like to apply for this position are asked to kindly submit a copy of their Curriculum Vitae, together with a letter sharing their reasons for applying for this service, to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the UK, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD or by email to nsa@bahai.org.uk. The Coordinator of Services, who is available to answer questions about these roles, can be contacted by telephone at the National Office or by email at services@bahai.org.uk.

Your prayerful consideration of this opportunity to serve in this valued role is deeply appreciated.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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