Tag Archives: justice conference

2017 Justice Conference

28 November 2016
7 Qawl 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share with you this invitation from the Justice Conference Task Force to be held in the Netherlands in April 2017.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara

To the National Spiritual Assemblies of Europe,

We warmly invite you to the 2017 Justice Conference, to be held from Friday April 14th to Monday April 17th, 2017 at the De Poort Conference Centre in the Netherlands (see attached flyer). Registration will be open shortly.

This year’s conference theme is “From Disintegration to Integration: Navigating the Forces of Our Time”

Presentations and workshops on the following topics are planned, keeping the overarching theme in mind:

  • How can we work affectively with forces of integration to build a just order, at all levels of society?
  • How do we engage other in this efforts?
  • In contributing to building a more just and humane new culture and civilization, what elements of the current order must we discard, and what is worth retaining?
  • As we strive for justice, what new ideas must guide our action?
  • How do we manifest a clear optimism and faith in the capacity of human endeavour, guided by spiritual and philosophical principles, to achieve a coherent system / reality of greater justice for all?
  • How do we rise above the polarizing forces of partisan politics, strife between religions and other forces which undermine the unity of humanity?

If you wish to make a proposal for a conference workshop or presentation please note that the proposal deadline is 7 January 2017. Submissions by legal scholars and practitioners, as well as by others in non-legal fields, are very welcome.

General information on the venue location and transport can be found on the De Poort conference centre website (http://www.depoort.org/) and in the attached travel / FAQ information sheet.

Please feel free to circulate the flyer widely and tell your friends. We look forward to seeing you in April!

Best regards,

The Justice Conference Task Force

Download the Justice Conference flyer

Download the Justice Conference FAQs


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