Tag Archives: justice conference

2016 Justice Conference

19 February 2016
13 Mulk 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

Please see the email below and related enclosures for details regarding an upcoming conference in the Netherlands on the theme of ‘Justice in Action – From Local to Global.’

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

We are delighted to share with you a first list of confirmed speakers for the 2016 Justice Conference, to be held from 25-27 March at the De Poort Conference Centre in the Netherlands.

We are looking forward to another dynamic and thought-provoking conference!

Please register as soon as possible if you plan to attend, via the De Poort website, as places are filling up:


The theme of this year’s Justice Conference is: ‘Justice in Action – From Local to Global.’

Our speakers and presenters include:

Maziar Bahari, UK/Canada/Iran, on his Film ‘To Light a Candle’ and his Global Human Rights Campaign (#‎NotACrime)

Susan Lamb, Belgium/India/Cambodia/New Zealand, On the Syria Conflict and the Potential for International Criminal Prosecutions

John Christensen, UK, on Catalysing Economic Policy Reform at the National and Global Levels, Tax Justice, Economic Inequality and Human Rights

Kirsten Meersschaert, Global, World Federalist Movement/Coalition for the International Criminal Court, on the Global ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Civilians and the UN Charter

Alf Capito & Giselle Cooke, Australia, on the Institutionalisation of Effective Consultation in Policy-Making

Sherna Deamer, U.S.A., on Using Technology to Ensure Access to Justice, from a retired California Superior Court official

Arthur Dahl, Switzerland, former-UNEP, Using the New Sustainable Development Goals to Work for Justice at the Local Level

Shirin Hedayati, Iran/U.S.A., on the Role of Iranian Intellectuals in Shaping Perceptions of Bahá’ís in Iran

Toufan Rahimpour, U.S.A., on Applying the Principles of Consultation in Business Negotiations

Syvlia Karlsson-Vinkhuysen, Sweden/Netherlands, with a First-hand Account of the Paris Climate Agreement Negotiations

Ismael Valesco, U.K./Mexico/Greenland, on Radical Technological Change and the Social Transformation of Justice

Karlijn van der Voort & Brad Varley, Netherlands, U.S.A./Austria, on Building a Bahá’í-inspired Community of Lawyers

Neysun Mahboubi, U.S.A./China, on Developments in the Legal System of China and Perspectives for the Future

And others…

*Special Creative Evening* featuring theatre by Ismael Valesco, story-telling by Afsoon Donna Houshidari, a human rights dance by Neysun Mahboubi, and more… !

Please also find attached a FAQ / travel information document. De Poort can be contacted directly for any matters related to accommodation at: Tel: +31 24 397 1204 or by email at receptie@depoort.org.

Overflow accommodation will be available in hotels surrounding De Poort (the De Poort Conference Centre has a list of these accommodations).

We hope to see some of you at De Poort in March!

Kind regards,
The Justice Conference Task Force

2016 Justice Conference Flyer

2016 Justice Conference Travel Info & FAQs

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