Tag Archives: justice conference

2015 Justice Conference, April 3-5‏‎ – draft programme

5 March 2015
4 ‘Alá’ 171 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

Please see the email below and related enclosures for details regarding an upcoming conference in the Netherlands on the theme of ‘Advancing Justice – Spiritual Foundations & Practical Application’.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom


Dear Friends,

We are delighted to share with you the Justice_Conference_2015_Draft_Programme, to be held from 3-5 April at the De Poort Conference Centre in the Netherlands.

This year is the 20th Anniversary of the Justice Conference and the theme is: ‘Advancing Justice — Spiritual Foundations and Practical Application.’

Our confirmed speakers and presenters include:

  • Kiser Barnes, USA, on Two Foundations of Justice: Moral Development and Service to Humanity
  • Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing, USA, on Building a World Federation
  • Arthur Dahl, ex-UNEP, Geneva, on Justice and Climate Change / Environmental Sustainability
  • Ali Noroozi, Inspector-General of Taxation, Australia, on Global Taxation and Economic Justice
  • Payam Akhavan, McGill University, Canada, on Human Rights and International Law
  • Kishan Manocha and Elham Manea, UK & Switzerland / Yemen, on The Future of Peaceful Inter-Religious Coexistence
  • Giselle Cooke, Australia, on Injustice of Access by the World’s Citizens to Natural Medicines
  • Hamid Peseschkian, EU, on Psychological Perspectives on the Kitab-i-Aqdas
  • Saba Hinrichs, UK, on Identifying Impact in Advancing Justice

And others…

Please note that we have been informed that accommodations for the conference are already almost full, so we would encourage you to register as soon as possible if you plan to attend, via the De Poort website: https://depoort.org/index.php?url=/content/en/course_detail_new.html&params=/course:14393 . Overflow accommodation will be available in hotels surrounding De Poort (the De Poort Conference Centre has a list of these accommodations). You can contact De Poort directly for any matters related to accommodation at: Tel: +31 24 397 1204 or by email at <receptie@depoort.org>. Please also find attached a FAQ / travel information document.

We hope to see some of you at De Poort in April!

Kind regards,

The Justice Conference Task Force

See Conference updates on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-Conference/441073912697524

Justice Conference 2015 Travel Info & FAQs

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