Tag Archives: maintenance

Guardian’s Resting Place

National Spiritual Assembly

2 April 2015
13 Bahá 172 B.E.

All believers in the United Kingdom

Beloved co-workers,

Many of you will have visited the Resting Place of the beloved Guardian in north London in recent times and enjoyed the developments that have taken place in the past couple of years. The newly refurbished eagle that adorns the top of the marble column that marks the spot where Shoghi Effendi is laid to rest shines resplendently in the sunshine. The freshly polished marble column and the plinth upon which it sits, together with the refurbished surrounding balustrade, and the new red brick wall and entrance gate add to the sacredness and tranquillity of that spot. Striking too are the more abundant flowers, especially during the summer months, that create a stunning space in which to offer devotions. A recent visitor to the cemetery will also have noticed the new fence that adorns the entranceway from the cemetery’s central core to the Bahá’í section, and presently preparations are being made for the planting of a large number of trees aimed at enhancing the woodland effect of the area surrounding the Resting Place.

With the renovation and beautification of the most important and central aspect of this precious site now completed, a new and important stage of development will begin in the coming months. The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to inform you that the Universal House of Justice has approved of plans for the development of certain land and facilities at the Guardian’s Resting Place. These include a purpose-built structure for the custodian’s office and security facilities, the extension of the paving along the main radial route from the Resting Place, gates at either end of this radial path that will curtail the flow of traffic passed the Resting Place, and the regeneration, confined to what is essential, of the grounds adjacent to New Brunswick Woods access path. In addition to this, much needed refurbishment to the residence of the custodians is to be undertaken. These important developments will reinforce the security arrangements at the Resting Place and bring greater dignity to the facilities associated with it.

The implementation of these plans together with a shortfall of funds for the day to day maintenance and running costs of the Resting Place and surrounding cemetery require the raising of around £250,000. In this connection, the Universal House of Justice has assured the National Spiritual Assembly of the readiness of the Bahá’í International Fund to support this requirement, if necessary. However, the National Spiritual Assembly is confident that the believers of the UK Bahá’í community will not wish to pass up the unique and priceless opportunity of rising to this challenge and fully providing the funds through their generous and sacrificial contributions, as they have done for the earlier refurbishments of the Resting Place.

It is the hope of the National Spiritual Assembly that every believer will participate in this effort through their prayers and donations, for through universal participation and sacrifice a spiritual power is released that is not of this world, and which will attract the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh to the efforts of the community to bring His Teachings to the spiritually beleaguered peoples of these islands.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly

Patrick O’Mara,

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