Tag Archives: Marriage resources

Marriage & Family Life

National Spiritual Assembly

16 June 2016
13 Núr 173 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Bahá’í marriage and family life

Mindful of the guidance of the Universal House of Justice in its 29 December 2015 message to the Counsellors’ Conference that, as youth advance further into their twenties, “young women and men become acutely conscious of the exhortations of the Supreme Pen to ‘enter into wedlock’ that they may ‘bring forth one who will make mention of Me amid My servants’”, the National Spiritual Assembly has given some consideration as to how to better equip individuals of every age, the community and institutions, to prepare deepenings on Bahá’í marriage and family life. The House of Justice commented further in this connection:

This generation of youth will form families that secure the foundations of flourishing communities. Through their growing love for Bahá’u’lláh and their personal commitment to the standard to which He summons them will their children imbibe the love of God, “commingled with their mother’s milk”, and always seek the shelter of His divine law.

With this compelling image in mind, the National Assembly warmly encourages the friends everywhere to hold deepening programmes on the themes of marriage and family, including how one can best prepare for these aspects of life. To assist in this process, we are pleased to share the enclosed document, listing many of the wonderful resources that are available for study, which can be drawn upon in preparing programmes of deepening. It is hoped, in this way, that as many of the friends as possible will be able to reflect on, and give even greater expression to, the principles and teachings of our Faith that pertain to marriage and family life. As needed, you will no doubt wish to seek the guidance of your Local Spiritual Assembly, or your Auxiliary Board members and their assistants, in this personal undertaking.

For your information, the marriage and family life resources document is also available on the Bahá’í Downloads website, https://resources.bahai.org.uk It is located under the ‘Guidance’ menu, in the section ‘Marriage & family life resources’.

We note with joy that, in response to the 29 December 2015 message, some friends have already taken initiative to gather together and, drawing upon some selected quotations from the Writings and the guidance of Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice, deepen and share experiences on this subject.

As you reflect and make plans on how to deepen on these themes, in accordance with the needs of your community, please be assured of the prayers of the National Assembly that your devoted efforts may be strengthened through the grace of the Blessed Beauty.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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