Tag Archives: National Convention

National Convention 175 B.E.









When replying please refer to: GC-32390

8 March 2018
7 ‘Alá’ 174 BE

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to invite you to attend this year’s National Convention, which will be held from Saturday 26 May to Monday 28 May 2018. Following closely from the 12th International Convention, it will surely be filled with a special vision and spirit, and will no doubt include aspects of the programme brought back from the Bahá’í World Centre.

National Convention will take place at Chesford Grange Hotel (Kenilworth, Warwick, CV8 2LD). Further information is available at the website http://www.bahaievents.org.uk/wp/national-convention-2018/. Registration is now open, and accommodation (if required) can be booked by contacting the hotel directly on 01926 859331 or 01926 515125. You may of course also choose to book accommodation at another hotel nearby. Convention will start at 14:00 (registration from 12:00) on 26 May and will end at 13:00 on 28 May, which is a Bank Holiday.

All believers are welcome, but you are kindly reminded that only registered Bahá’ís are permitted to attend National Convention. In light of this, please be aware that this event is not one to which you should bring anyone over the age of 15 who is not a registered Bahá’í, including a family member and a person who is close to the Faith but has not declared.

Please ensure that you bring your credential card to Convention as this will be used as your identification throughout the event, including giving you access to the area of the delegates’ consultation. If you require a replacement credential card kindly request one, at your earliest opportunity, directly from the National Bahá’í Centre (records@bahai.org.uk or 0207 584 2566).

If you are not able access the website, you may feel free to contact the Registrar at the email address: convention.registrar@bahaievents.org.uk or write to 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD to request all the necessary details concerning the convention and registration. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Registrar at any time.

Please note however that any queries regarding the sale of goods should be directed towards Mrs. Erica Leith and Mrs. Margaret Appa, who are coordinating this aspect of the Convention. They may be contacted at erica@grbooks.com or margaretappa@gmail.com.

The National Assembly looks forward to welcoming you to the Convention.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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