Tag Archives: National Convention

National Convention 176 B.E.

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  • National Convention 176 B.E.
  • From the new compilation, Prayer and Devotional Life
  • Accusations against Yemeni Bahá’í appealing death sentence raise concerns for whole community

All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly would like to share with you news of the National Convention, held this past weekend, 26-28 April 2019, in Stoke-on-Trent.

The consultation at this year’s Convention was guided, inspired and uplifted by the Ridván message of the Universal House of Justice, sharing the exhilarating news of victories won in recent months, conveying the thrilling prospect of momentous developments ahead, including the construction of the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in the Holy Land, and offering clear guidance for the immediate months before us leading up to the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb. 

Early in the Convention, a letter setting out the challenges for the UK Bahá’í community was addressed to the delegates by the National Assembly.  A PDF copy of this is available here.  The Assembly also set out some questions about which it sought the views of the delegates.  It was notable how, without exception, each contribution aimed to share or seek insights that would advance the work of the Five Year Plan.  The inspirational and rich understandings and learnings shared by Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi gave essential direction to the consultation.

With the approach of the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb, there was a keen awareness of the “extraordinary effusion of heavenly grace”1 pouring forth in these fleeting days.  This, combined with a consciousness of the accelerating forces of disintegration in every land, imbued the consultations with a sense of urgency.  The “pure joy in engaging souls in meaningful and uplifting conversations”2 was particularly highlighted.  The need for friends to give more time to the work, to act and reflect frequently, and then to apply what has been learnt, was evident.  “Small steps, if they are regular and rapid, add up to a great distance travelled.”3  The delegates committed themselves to working with increased dedication in the final two cycles leading up to the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb,

The election of the National Spiritual Assembly was carried out in an atmosphere of prayerful devotion.  94 of the 95 delegates voted; 90 were present at the Convention.  The following friends were elected to the National Assembly.  The officers were subsequently elected and are indicated: Vivien Craig (Vice-Chairman), Annabel Djalili, Barney Leith, Fidelma Meehan, Wendi Momen, Patrick O’Mara (Secretary), Darren Smith (Treasurer), Olinga Tahzib (Chairman), Robert Weinberg.

Following the announcement of the election results, the National Assembly and Convention expressed their profound appreciation to Dr. Vafa Ram for his many years of service to the institution and the UK Bahá’í community.

All believers are encouraged to attend their delegate report-back meeting in the coming weeks, to receive a taste of the spirit of National Convention, as well as a special message that the National Assembly has asked the delegates to convey to the friends.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara

 1 Universal House of Justice, Riḍván 2019
2 ibid.
Universal House of Justice, Riḍván 2016

From the new compilation, Prayer and Devotional Life

Purge Thou mine ear, O my Lord, that I may hearken unto the verses sent down unto Thee, and illuminate my heart with the light of Thy knowledge, and loose my tongue that it may make mention of Thee and sing Thy praise. By Thy might, O my God! My soul is wedded to none beside Thee, and my heart seeketh none except Thine own Self. ~Bahá’u’lláh

The compilation Prayer and Devotional Life is available here >

Accusations against Yemeni Bahá’í appealing death sentence raise concerns for  whole community
The Bahá’í International Community is deeply concerned for the safety of all Bahá’ís in Yemen following the Houthi prosecutor’s baseless accusations against a member of its community who is appealing his death sentence.

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