Tag Archives: National Fund

National Fund Update

9 August 2021
10 Kamál 178 B.E

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All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Over recent weeks since the Bahá’í world embarked upon the “momentous” One Year Plan, many of us have had the joy of participating in teaching conferences and seminars, at which all were encouraged to “foster unity of thought and to learn about effective action.”

Although service to the Cause may differ for each of us, there are many friends who are now being encouraged to dedicate significant time to advance the teaching work in their clusters. This is a significant development. We know from experience that – for a cluster to advance in its learning – focussed effort and dedicated time is needed, particularly from those serving in areas of intense activity, such as in neighbourhoods.

As a cluster advances to a level where it has some 100 or more activities and a neighbourhood project that is well-established, it reaches the third milestone and becomes a reservoir of resources, insights and learning for other clusters around it. Every region of the United Kingdom, and sub-region in England, is aspiring to have at least one third milestone or reservoir cluster within it, from which experience may be drawn by nearby clusters. Within the United Kingdom, we can rejoice that there are currently three clusters which have reached the third milestone: Greater London, Greater Manchester and Thames Valley. It is also a joy to see that are a number of other clusters that are near to passing this milestone.

The focussed effort that is needed to advance these exciting developments naturally requires financial resources, and the opportunity to support those friends who are devoting their time, often on a part- or full-time basis, is open to every believer. Depending on one’s possibilities, one may wish to consider deputising someone in one’s stead for a day, a month, a three-month cycle, or even for a year or more. As we know, every contribution is highly meritorious, if given with love and sacrifice.

With six months of its financial year having passed, the National Spiritual Assembly looked in depth at the state of the National Fund at its recent meeting. Expenses during the first half of the year were largely in line with expectations; as anticipated, most activities were held online during this period. With camps and activities now returning in face-to-face environments, naturally there will be an increase in the overall expenditure in the second half of the year.

Contributions to the National Fund, which includes the Regional Branches, were also reviewed. Clearly the friends are continuously conscious of the vital needs of the National Fund. However, when compared with the same period last year as shown by the above chart, they are significantly lower, calling for an urgent and even greater response by the friends:

We must be like the fountain or spring that is continually emptying itself of all that it has and is continually being refilled from an invisible source.  To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good — this is the secret of right living.

Shoghi Effendi, cited in Bahá’í News 13 (September 1926), p.1

 As we continue to strive towards universal participation, the National Assembly sincerely hopes that the friends will wholeheartedly and sacrificially contribute to the National Fund and their Regional Funds.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

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