Tag Archives: National Fund

From the Office of the Treasurer

22 April 2020
15 Jalál 177 B.E.

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Since the last communication from the National Spiritual Assembly concerning the Funds of the Faith, much has been happening in the world. Thus, it was felt appropriate to delay any updates regarding the Fund.

In recent weeks, the response of the community to the teaching work, and its engagement of families, friends, neighbours – especially those who are most vulnerable – has demonstrated the true oneness of humanity. Many have also suffered financially, whether through a reduction or loss of income, or seeing the value of their investments fall dramatically, thus impacting on their retirement income. In a letter dated 18 January 2019, the Universal House of Justice reminds us:

No matter how bleak conditions may appear at any given time, no matter how dismal the immediate prospects for bringing about unity, there is no cause for despair. The distressing state of the world can only spur us to redouble our commitment to constructive action. “These are not days of prosperity and triumph” cautions Bahá’u’lláh. “The whole of mankind is in the grip of manifold ills. Strive, therefore, to save its life through the wholesome medicine which the almighty hand of the unerring Physician hath prepared.”

The work of the Faith is continuing in all settings and, in some, is accelerating. The financial goals set last year by the National Assembly saw the purchase of the Bahá’í Training Centre, which has the primary purpose of developing the capacity of all who wish to engage in the activities of the community and contribute towards its work.

Conversations about the purchase of Temple Land continue even at this present time, and the need for such a site is even more evident now as the Universal House of Justice speaks of the House of Worship as, “a unique concept in the annals of religion” that “symbolizes the teachings of the new Day of God”, as a “collective centre of society to promote cordial affection”. It is a ”universal place of worship open to all the inhabitants of a locality irrespective of their religious affiliation, background, ethnicity, or gender … Men and women, children and youth, are held in its embrace as equals.” In the years ahead, and now more needed than ever, such a space will serve both as a symbol of unity and hope and a place where all can come together to pray.

The friends can be assured that the National Fund and other reserves will be called upon to ensure that, even with the current crisis, the work of the Faith can advance at pace. In February it was announced that just over £1m had been raised through the sacrificial contributions of the friends and, in the last three months, a further £150,000 has been contributed to the projects along with more than £2m allocated from the Growth Fund. The shortfall now stands at £1.8m.

In order to keep you informed of the needs of the Fund and to strengthen the community’s spiritual relationship with the institution of the National Fund, the National Assembly will continue to host Fund gatherings which had been planned for the year. These will move online whilst the current restrictions are in force. The first of these gatherings will be announced shortly and invitations will go out via Local Spiritual Assemblies and Groups as well as to isolated believers.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Darren Smith,

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