Tag Archives: National Library

UK Bahá’í News Update

10 December 2019
18 Qawl 176 B.E.

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– Volunteers sought for Bahá’í Training Centre
– National Bahá’í Library – assistance required
– Memorial meetings for ‘Alí Nakhjavání
– Promoting the dignity and rights of the child in digital spaces

Volunteers sought for Bahá’í Training Centre

The Bahá’í Training Centre near Bicester, Oxfordshire, opens its doors for intensive training for the first time from 26 December.  In preparation, friends are now urgently required to assist with a variety of tasks including cleaning, painting and moving furniture.  This service may ideally suit youth who are starting their holidays and would like to come as a group to assist.  Volunteers are also sought during the training sessions for catering, technical support (IT/Audio Visual), gardening, building and household maintenance and security.  Please contact training.centre@bahai.org.uk if you are able to offer your services or would like to discuss opportunities further.  The Training Centre would also like to hear from friends who may have useful items, furnishings or appliances that they might like to donate to the Centre.

National Bahá’í Library – assistance required

The establishment of a library was described by Shoghi Effendi as a component part of the institution of the National Ḥazíratu’l-Quds which would “be increasingly regarded as the focus of all Bahá’í administrative activity, and symbolize, in a befitting manner, the ideal of service animating the Bahá’í community in its relation alike to the Faith and to mankind in general…”

An ongoing project to sort, classify and catalogue the books in the National Bahá’í Library is advancing well and the National Assembly requires more volunteers to assist with this important work.  Friends with some time to offer should contact nsa@bahai.org.uk.

Memorial meetings for ‘Alí Nakhjavání

National Memorial Meeting 
Monday 30 December 2019, 7.45pm, Hilton London Heathrow Terminal 5

Belfast – Sunday 2 February 2020, 2.30pm, South Belfast Quaker Hall
Manchester – Saturday 15 February 2020, 2.30pm, Stockport Masonic Guildhall
Edinburgh – Sunday 23 February 2020, 1.30pm, Edinburgh Bahá’í Centre
Cardiff – to be confirmed

Promoting the dignity and rights of the child in digital spaces

In the presence of Pope Francis, a joint interfaith meeting was held at the Vatican about the responsibility of religious communities in the protection of children in the digital world. “Faith communities … can play a unique role in transforming ingrained patterns of thought and behaviour in a local population,” noted Bani Dugal, Principal Representative of the Bahá’í International Community, in an address to the attendees.  “Creating and re-creating culture in this way is one of the most powerful functions to be played by religion.”

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