Tag Archives: national memorial meeting

Message from the National Spiritual Assembly

17 March 2022
16 ‘Alá’ 178 B.E.

– Message from the National Spiritual Assembly
– National Online Memorial Meeting
– Global conferences: Fostering a culture of peace, contributing to social betterment
– Conferences promotional video

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To the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

Dearly loved friends,

The present turmoil in eastern Europe that is dominating the news has heightened our deep concern for the plight and suffering of so many men and women – young and old, rich and poor – in many parts of the world.  Events are highlighting how lamentably defective is the current world order for maintaining the security of all peoples and fostering their unity and prosperity.    In recent messages, the Universal House of Justice has noted  that the “accelerating decline of the current social order, and the growing need for constructive processes that will lead to the emergence of a new world society, are daily more evident” [1] and that the “global challenges now facing humanity are a severe test of its willingness to put aside short-term self-interest and come to terms with this stark spiritual and moral reality: there is but one, interconnected human family and it shares one precious homeland.” [2]

It is at moments such as these that people can experience a sense of hopelessness and fear, concerned for their families – especially their children and youth – and indeed for the future of society itself.  Bahá’u’lláh has offered humanity the promise of a glorious future, which will come about, but which must be worked for.  In sharing His vision of a united, just and peaceful world – and inviting others to work alongside us in releasing the society-building power of His Faith – hopelessness may be turned to confidence in the future, and fear may be banished through prayer, reliance on Divine confirmations, and in service to others.  The words of the Universal House of Justice, written at Naw-Rúz 2020 at the start of the pandemic, are particularly apt at this moment:

The world stands more and more in need of the hope and the strength of spirit that faith imparts.  Beloved friends, you have of course long been occupied with the work of nurturing within groups of souls precisely the attributes that are required at this time: unity and fellow feeling, knowledge and understanding, a spirit of collective worship and common endeavour … The elevated conversations that have occurred as a result … have been a source of comfort and inspiration to many.  Such efforts on your part provide a valuable service at this hour when many souls are perplexed and dismayed, unsure of what will be … [3]

The National Spiritual Assembly felt it might be helpful to share with you some suggested resources at this time which, in addition to the materials found in the training institute courses, will no doubt be of assistance in enriching the conversations you are having with those around you:

A beautiful passage from the message of the Supreme Body dated 30 December 2021, contains many gems describing how we, as Bahá’ís must be, and we share some of these with you in closing:

They are loyal citizens who eschew partisanship and the contest for worldly power.  Instead, they are focused on transcending differences, harmonizing perspectives, and promoting the use of consultation for making decisions … They advocate tolerance and understanding, and with the inherent oneness of humanity uppermost in their minds, they view everyone as a potential partner to collaborate with, and they strive to foster fellow feeling even among groups who may traditionally have been hostile to one another  … their eyes are wide open to the many injustices that persist in the world, yet they are equally clear sighted about the creative power of unity and humanity’s capacity for altruism.  They see the power that true religion possesses to transform hearts and overcome distrust, and so, with confidence in what the future holds, they labour to cultivate the conditions in which progress can occur … [4]

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Universal House of Justice, 25 November 2021, To the Friends Gathered in the Holy Land to Mark the Centenary Commemoration of the Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Universal House of Justice, 4 January 2022, To the Bahá’ís of the World
Universal House of Justice, Naw-Rúz 177 B.E., To the Bahá’ís of the World
Universal House of Justice, 30 December 2021, To the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors

National Online Memorial Meeting
The National Spiritual Assembly warmly invites all the friends to a National Online Memorial Meeting at which the Roll of Honour, remembering those believers from the United Kingdom – and others who had a close relationship with this community – who have passed away during the year, will be read and prayers will be said for the progress of their souls.  The meeting will take place on Zoom on Sunday 29 May at 7.30pm.
The Zoom link will be: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88940399964?pwd=aXlSbWxNNk1QUjBhK3ZjVytCeHVQdz09
 Meeting ID: 889 4039 9964
Passcode: 225234

Global conferences: Fostering a culture of peace, contributing to social betterment

A rising wave of conferences is sweeping across the globe, bringing together the well-wishers of humanity to consult about how they can channel their energies and desire to promote unity and serve their fellow citizens into addressing the needs of their societies.  Gatherings at the local, national, and international levels are enabling participants to gain insights from experiences in Bahá’í community-building activities, initiatives undertaken for social action, and efforts to contribute to prevalent discourses. Read more, here >

Conference promotional video

The above video clip has been produced by some of the friends to promote the forthcoming wave of conferences in the United Kingdom.  The clip can be widely shared through social media to assist in inviting potential participants.

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