Tag Archives: National Spiritual Assembly

The forthcoming “Wave of Conferences”

2 February 2022
16 Sulṭán 178 B.E.

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All believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

We write to bring you up to date concerning plans for the upcoming series of conferences to be held across the United Kingdom, which aim to give a dynamic thrust forward to launch the Nine Year Plan.  Regional Councils together with Auxiliary Board members are currently in consultation with Local Spiritual Assemblies and others concerning these events, and from these consultations decisions will be made about their dates and locations.  It seems likely that the larger conferences which will be arranged in every part of the United Kingdom will take place from April onwards. The aim is that, by the end of February, Regional Councils will announce dates and locations.

These conferences are open to all.  The National Assembly hopes that all 7,000 registered Bahá’ís – every single believer, no matter what their current level of engagement – will be reached out to and a loving, vision-creating, enthusiastic invitation will be extended to them.  But more than this, there are thousands of friends of the Faith who are engaged in different ways in Bahá’í activities – devotionals, firesides, study circles, children’s classes, junior-youth groups, external affairs activities, and so forth. The aim is that each one of these souls is invited, whatever their existing level of knowledge and engagement.  In the weeks that remain before these gatherings, surely there are also many others, as yet unknown to us, who will learn of the Faith, will wish to attend these conferences and whose hearts will be touched by associating with other well-wishers of humanity and learning more about Baha’u’llah’s vision for a better world.

The programmes of each conference will be tailored to those attending.  They will explore the nature of the spiritual enterprise we are engaged in, provide a sense of what the Bahá’í community has accomplished in the past 100 years, help all to appreciate what is needed now to advance this enterprise, and how this connects us to a unique global effort to transform society that is taking place in every corner of the planet.  The conferences will be filled with music, arts, creativity and joy.

We encourage you to keep your diaries free, not to miss the conference in your region, and to give thought to who – over the coming months – you can bring along to be inspired.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

They [the Counsellors] and their auxiliaries will be at your side as you prepare for this immense collective enterprise—especially through your participation in the wave of conferences soon to sweep across the globe, where Bahá’u’lláh’s universal summons to work for the betterment of the world will galvanize the assembled well-wishers of humanity.
The Universal House of Justice, 4 January 2022, To the Bahá’ís of the World

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