Tag Archives: National Spiritual Assembly

From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

18 June 2021
16 Núr 178 B.E.

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To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Fostering the Spiritual Health of the Community

The commencement of the One Year Plan marked an increase in the tempo of the work of the National Spiritual Assembly. Over the weekend of 23-24 April, a two-day retreat was held with Counsellor Varqá Khadem to explore the subject of fostering the spiritual health of the community. The focus was on how to enhance the capacity of all institutions of the Faith to foster spiritual health, including approaches to dealing with challenges that arise. This was one of a series of retreat weekends with the Institution of the Counsellors on this important subject. One outcome of these ongoing consultations is the series of gatherings of Local Spiritual Assemblies to reflect on case studies that help these Assemblies to consider approaches to handling systematically the challenging matters that arise. Over the weekend of 5-6 June, 15 Local Assemblies joined a seminar for this purpose, the second in a series. The first one had eight Assemblies participating.

The importance of Ruhi Institute Book 8: The Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh and Book 9: Gaining a Historical Perspective, was a key element to this consultation. We reflected on how the study of these two books strengthens our relationship with the Covenant and our understanding of Bahá’u’lláh’s mission is enhanced, thus strengthening our spiritual health. These books are like a vaccine that protect us from the threats and challenges that we as individuals, as a community and as institutions will face and thus it is important for all to go through them. We are all learning as we go through all the units of Book 8 and 9 and discussing the many themes that they cover. The national Book 8 and 9 coordinators are working closely with tutors and collaborators to accompany them and to raise the quality of tutoring and our understanding of the content of these books. We looked at the importance of having a love and mastery of these books so that when questions arise the themes in these books can be brought to bear on them. The Auxiliary Board members have also been thinking about this subject deeply.

The Riḍván 2021 message of the Universal House of Justice

The Riḍván message was studied intently by the National Assembly with Dr. Khadem over two meetings. Many decisions were made and considerable thought was given to how the message could reach as many people as possible. You will be pleased to hear that the National Assembly agreed to write, on your behalf, to the newly formed National Spiritual Assemblies of Croatia and Timor-Leste, and the re-formed National Assembly of São Tomé and Príncipe, sending love to them and wishing them well.

Human Resource Development and the Training Institute

A second retreat meeting was held over the weekend of 29-30 May. The theme of this retreat was “Human resource development and the training institute”. Many aspects were explored and a few of them are shared here briefly. Releasing the potential of youth was a constant thread throughout the weekend. It is clearly an area of untapped potential that needs focus, for youth are the most receptive in any population and are a primary resource for advancing the children’s class and junior-youth education programmes. Another theme was the importance of maintaining within the institute a core of experienced persons. The training institute has now been in existence in this country for 25 years and considerable experience has been gained. An educational system is now in place for all ages, adults, youth and children. If this system is to be strengthened and grow, it is essential that we maintain the experience we have garnered within the system. This conversation naturally led to how to formalise the educational programmes for children and junior youth, especially in areas where these programmes are reaching 100 or more souls in a small area.

A selection of topics

In addition to the two retreat weekends with Counsellor Khadem, the National Assembly has also held two full weekend meetings since Riḍván. Here is a selection of some of the matters considered during these regular meetings:

  • The letter of the Universal House of Justice, dated 2 April 2021 – concerning the restoration of the House of ‘Abbúd – inspired the National Assembly to send a letter to the Supreme Body, expressing our deep appreciation for how it has so beautifully restored and preserved so many of the Bahá’í Holy Places, and our joy at hearing the news of the restoration of the House of ‘Abbúd;
  • At both meetings, the National Assembly reflected on what is being learnt about conducting Bahá’í events and activities online. It also gave thought to the impact on activities as more face-to-face gatherings begin to take place again;
  • At almost every recent meeting, there has been consultation on the upcoming centenary of the Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Recently this included decisions to produce a special pocket-sized book with prayers of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and to re-print in one volume the two booklets produced a few years ago about the Master’s visit to these shores in 1911 and 1912-13;
  • Approximately three times each year, the National Assembly meets with the team of friends working in the Office of Public Affairs to reflect on aspects of their work. On this occasion, we explored the Office’s thinking behind the selection of the discourses on which they are focussed, how the Faith is perceived and understood by government and the media, and the processes they have in place to follow their work systematically using working documents;
  • Many decisions are being made about the refurbishment of the apartment of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in Bristol (pictured above), which we still hope will be opened in time for the centenary commemorations in November. These include the design of the ceiling rose, technology requirements, planning the visitor’s experience, and limiting the number who can go on the balcony for safety reasons;
  • Managing the growing and increasingly complex work of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly continues to pray at each of its monthly meetings for the entire Bahá’í community, and by name for those who are facing particular tests or challenges. Please also pray for the National Assembly that its efforts may be blessed by the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

Launch of new Bahá’í Books UK website

The friends are reminded that the new Bahá’í Books UK website will be launched with an online gathering on Sunday 20 June at 7pm. 
The meeting link is here >
Meeting ID: 970 9409 0274
Passcode: 903147

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