Tag Archives: Naw-Ruz

UK Bahá’í News Update

21 March 2022
1 Bahá’ 179 B.E.

– Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Emerging Shrine a symbol of peace and service to humanity
– Naw-Rúz message from the Universal House of Justice to the Bahá’ís in Iran
– Service opportunity: Environment, Health & Safety Officer

– Global Conferences: Striving for the greater good of humanity

Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: Emerging Shrine a symbol of peace and service to humanity

As work presses on at the site for the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’ís around the world are remembering His urgent call for universal peace, especially today, on Naw-Rúz, the first day of spring and a day of spiritual renewal.  Once completed, the Shrine will serve as a place of quiet contemplation for countless visitors from around the world to draw inspiration from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s life and work as a herald of peace, a champion of social justice, and upholder of the principle of the oneness of humanity.  Read more and see pictures, here >

Naw-Rúz message from the Universal House of Justice
to the Bahá’ís in Iran

A message from the Supreme Body addressed “To the faithful and patient followers of Bahá’u’lláh in the sacred land of Iran” is available to read online here, and as a PDF in English > and Persian >.

Service opportunity: Environment, Health & Safety Officer

The National Spiritual Assembly is seeking a volunteer with an interest and/or expertise in the areas of Environment, Health and Safety to review and implement its policies in this regard. This part-time role will require occasional visits to the National Bahá’í Centre, as and when circumstances allow, to work with staff members.

The position would be ideally suitable for a believer who has been working in this field professionally and who is familiar with operational aspects and compliance of Health and Safety regulations in an office environment. However it may also suit someone who has a desire to learn new skills that can be applied in a Bahá’í setting.

Friends interested to learn more, or who wish to apply for the position, are encouraged to send an email to nsa@bahai.org.uk

Global Conferences: Striving for the greater
good of humanity

As the wave of global conferences continues to move across the world, more and more people are awakening to the possibilities for fostering unity and serving their society alongside their neighbors and other fellow citizens.  Read more and see pictures, here >

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