Tag Archives: North & East Yorks

North and East Yorkshire cluster passes second milestone

The Regional Bahá’í Council for England has shared the inspiring news that the North and East Yorkshire Cluster has achieved one of the major goals of the Five Year Plan – passing the second of a series of milestones that mark a cluster’s progress along its path of development. 

A growing band of believers with a sustained focus on growth and capacity building has increased the number of core activities from 13 to 21 with plans immediately made to increase the core activities by a further eight, taking the estimated total to 29 by Ridvan 2019.

The establishment of nearly half of the total core activities has been achieved by both the incremental and selfless efforts of a dedicated and diligent neighbourhood team – “distinguished by their ability and their discipline to reflect on action and learn from experience,” (Ridván message 2019) – and the sacrificial efforts of the generality of believers whose actions also contributed to the significant increase in activity and distinctive progress in recent cycles.

The following extract captures the moment at a recent cluster reflection meeting, when the believers became aware of the outcome of their efforts and their advancement along the dynamic continuum of growth:  “It was at this moment that there was a pause; joy and excitement filled the room as the friends realised that not only was the second milestone within reach but that it would be very possible to move far past it in a short time – as our beloved Supreme Body wrote at Ridván 2016, ‘small steps, if they are regular and rapid, add up to a great distance travelled.’” 

Please pray for the ongoing efforts taking place in North and East Yorkshire and, indeed, the whole of the United Kingdom.

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