Tag Archives: NSA Agenda

From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

2 September 2020
15 Asmá’ 177 B.E.

– From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly
– Healthcare professionals see distinctive role for community during pandemic
– New and featured titles at Bahá’í Books UK

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Dearly loved Friends,

From the Table of the National Spiritual Assembly

The National Assembly’s agenda is very varied.  In the same meeting the Assembly might, for example, be considering the restoration of a significant building, the conservation of sacred items in the archives, and the development of the Institute process.  It is a recurring delight that wherever and whenever there are tasks to be done – and whether or not these tasks are arduous or tedious – the friends are so willing to devote their energy and time selflessly to serve this great Cause.  It really lifts the heart of the Assembly to see the generosity of spirit evinced by friends who have given freely of their time and resources across such a broad and varied range of tasks – to develop and refurbish properties, to offer assistance to individuals who are in distress, to support the Institutions through prayer and material means.

In every meeting, examples of this spirit of selfless service come to light.  To mention one of these, the National Assembly was touched by the response to the advertisement on NEWS for assistance in a project to ensure that Bahá’í graves in the United Kingdom are known about, and that those that the National Assembly owns are cared for appropriately.  A team of friends has come together, giving assurance to the National Assembly that the project is in capable hands.

The National Assembly has recently created a space in the agenda for reflections of members on their personal learning and experiences in teaching, animating, tutoring and serving the Plan.  This personal experience, of course, is vital to enable members of institutions to serve effectively.  Recently, members shared some of their involvement in the field such as participation in devotionals and study circles, being part of nuclei of friends, serving as study circle tutors, attending cluster meetings, and working with the youth movement. 

The current health crisis has demanded regular consultations to ensure a swift and agile response to the new reality and, as the House of Justice has guided, “anticipating problems before they emerge, seizing opportunities that open up, and supporting promising initiatives.”  Questions that needed to be addressed more recently have included: How will the election of Regional Councils and delegates to National Convention 2021 take place smoothly in the current situation?  How is the local character of online activities such as study circles and teaching activities maintained?  As each nation within the UK emerges from lockdown at a different pace, what guidance does the community need to assist it in responding to this change in circumstances in light of varying regional and local guidelines and regulations?  How can the safety of the staff of the National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds be ensured as and when they return to work there?

Much of the National Assembly’s agenda and consultation time is given to processes or ongoing lines of action that need to be systematically refined and followed, always bringing the guidance of the Universal House of Justice to mind, drawing on the counsel of the Counsellor, consulting widely, striving to apply spiritual principles, and developing the understanding of these processes through experience.  Recent examples of these have included: harnessing the power of social media at the local or national level; supporting the Regional Councils as they promote the advancement of clusters from stage to stage; fostering the spiritual health and intellectual life of the community; nurturing and enabling the youth to ‘steel themselves for a life of service’; following progress to strengthen the training institute; developing the capacities of Local Spiritual Assemblies; and ensuring that the properties of the Faith are serving the needs of the Plan.  These are a few of the fundamental matters that are before the National Spiritual Assembly and which it follows consistently.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara, 

New and featured titles at Bahá’í Books UK

If you have missed stocking up on books because of the cancellation of this year’s National Convention and the moving online of summer schools, here is a selection of new and recommended publications from Bahá’í Books UK.  Click on the cover to go to purchase.

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