Tag Archives: Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage Desk











The National Spiritual Assembly is encouraging all of the believers, especially the younger members of the community, to consider making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, especially to reflect upon whether it might be timely to apply to travel with friends who may be part of your community of interest, collaborators in your study circle, participants in your devotional meetings or other activities. The Universal House of Justice announced on 27 April 2017 that:

  • The long waiting list for pilgrimage that had existed for many years has been eliminated. Those seeking to go on pilgrimage are now offered, shortly after receipt of their application, a range of dates from which to choose.
  • The five-year waiting period before one can apply to undertake another pilgrimage has been reduced to three.
  • It is now easier for a larger number of families and friends to come on pilgrimage together. Permission may now be requested by relatives or friends for those who are not registered Bahá’ís to join them. Friends may apply for pilgrimage through this website: https://bahai.bwc.org/pilgrimage/main/apply.asp
  • A film, Pilgrimage: A Sacred Experience, created to help the friends to better appreciate the spiritual benefits of pilgrimage and its role in fostering the development of one’s dedication to the Cause, may also be viewed at https://bahai.bwc.org/pilgrimage/

To assist the friends, the Pilgrimage Desk – manned by Mrs. Farahnaz Mahoney and Mr. Paul Mahoney – can be contacted via pilgrimage@bahai.org.uk. Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney may also be invited to visit communities and clusters to promote pilgrimage further.

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