Tag Archives: Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage survey

Pilgrimage is one of the divine ordinances enshrined in Bahá’u’lláh’s Most Holy Book. It is now also possible to take friends and family members who are not yet declared believers on a full nine-day pilgrimage – and the waiting lists has been significantly shortened. Some communities and neighbourhood groups have already availed themselves of this precious opportunity which has had a profound effect on all who went.

As was announced to the friends on 11 April 2018 [GC-32541], the National Spiritual Assembly has established a special desk to promote pilgrimage and assist the friends with any practical questions. To assist this desk in ascertaining the needs of the community, you are invited to participate in a small survey. The survey can be accessed here. It should take no more than five minutes to complete.

Mrs. Farahnaz Mahoney and Mr. Paul Mahoney who are managing the Pilgrimage Desk can also be contacted via pilgrimage@bahai.org.uk.

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