Tag Archives: racial justice

Racial prejudice – message from the National Spiritual Assembly

18 August 2020
1 Asmá’ 177 B.E.


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Dearly loved Friends,

By now we know that many of you will have studied individually and in groups the seminal message of the Universal House of Justice dated 22 July 2020, addressed to the Bahá’ís of the United States, concerning racial prejudice.  The National Spiritual Assembly – in recognising prejudice of this kind as being one of the grave spiritual and social ills that faces UK society – has, as an institution, studied and considered the implications of the letter with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi as well as with some selected friends.  We urge every believer, community, and institution to similarly engage with the letter of the House of Justice and to reflect deeply on it, for this is the guidance that, when applied, will free UK society from the pernicious effects of racial discrimination, which we, the Bahá’í community, are not immune from.

Some weeks prior to the receipt of this letter, the National Assembly had been engaged in consultation on race unity and concluded that it did not wish to presume that it understood the deep-rooted nature and impact of racial prejudice on UK society.  Hence, it set out for itself some objectives that it wished to learn about in the context of fostering the spiritual health of the Bahá’í community, as well as contributing to the prevalent discourses of society.  We share these with you and invite you to join the National Assembly in learning about one or more of them: 

  1. How to truly listen, with humility and with an open heart, to understand this prejudice and its impact more deeply;
  2. How to create an environment where everybody is welcome and diversity is appreciated;
  3. How to better articulate that it is through the realisation of the plans of the Universal House of Justice that a lasting solution to all the ills of our nation will be found;
  4. How to foster teaching among different receptive populations;
  5. How to mutually encourage and empower each and every soul within the framework of the Plan;
  6. How to recognise capacity in all of its diverse expressions;
  7. How to increase diversity within the institutions and agencies of the Faith.

In its letter, the Universal House of Justice raises consciousness of the spiritual and moral principles involved and points to the concepts and approaches developed in the current series of Plans as being the framework within which these principles must be applied.  You are already deeply engaged in this effort, so march on in a humble posture of learning and, ever more conscious of the challenge of racial prejudice and with the Word of God at the heart of all your efforts, strive to create environments where every soul you meet – no matter their race, class, sex or creed – is empowered to express their capacities, perspectives and cultural diversity in service to humanity.  Let these words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, quoted by the Universal House of Justice, assure you of final victory: 

… that which is confirmed is the oneness of the world of humanity. Every soul who serveth this oneness will undoubtedly be assisted and confirmed.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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