Tag Archives: receipts

UK Bahá’í News Update

1 June 2020
17 ‘Aẓamat 177 B.E.

Office of the Treasurer: Annual receipts

The Office of the Treasurer is in the midst of preparing the annual receipts which are being sent out by post.  If you have not received your receipts by Friday, please do contact the Office of the Treasurer.  Thank you for your patience.

Prerequisites for peace penned 100 years ago reverberate today >
The Bahá’ís of the Netherlands and Religions for Peace Netherlands co-hosted an online conference, marking the 100th anniversary of the arrival of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Tablet to the Central Organization for a Durable Peace in The Hague.

Pandemic highlights need to address moral dimensions of climate change >
The current global health crisis and its consequences have prompted renewed warnings about environmental challenges ahead.  A recent online conference held by the Bahá’í Chair for World Peace at the University of Maryland provided participants with a forum to examine these challenges at a time of heightened consciousness about humanity’s oneness and its relationship with nature.

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