Tag Archives: Ruhi Institute

Availability of materials in languages other than English

25 August 2015
6 Asmá’ 172 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Availability of materials in languages other than English

In order to better address the need for the Ruhi Institute materials in languages other than English, it has been decided that on behalf of Bahá’í Books UK, Mr. Burhan Hayati will now take responsibility for accepting and fulfilling all foreign language orders, as well as orders for pre-publication Ruhi materials. As the materials.tibuk@bahai.org.uk email address is now no longer in use, requests should be sent to tibmaterials@bahai.org.uk

On a related matter, please note that there is a selection of Bahá’í materials in a range of languages available for download from the UK Bahá’í Downloads website. The collection is growing as new materials become available. Notably, Chinese-language translations of a number of messages of the Universal House of Justice will soon be added. Any of the friends can access the materials at https://resources.bahai.org.uk/foreign-language-teaching-literature/ after registering to use the site via https://resources.bahai.org.uk.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

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