Tag Archives: Scotland

UK Bahá’í News Update

17 July 2020
6 Kalimát 177 B.E.


 Aides to the Training Institute Board for England
 Scottish Bahá’í Summer School 2020
 BWNS: “What have we learned from the health crisis?”

Aides to the Training Institute Board for England

As the training institute process within England gains in strength, and “given its centrality to fostering the movement of populations,” the needs to sustain growth in the educational process have increased.  As a consequence, three volunteer roles have emerged – a Bahá’í Training Centre Logistics Aide, a Safeguarding Aide and a Ruhi Materials Aide.

These three separate roles each require someone who can offer a few hours each week, and can be undertaken from home with the possibility of occasional travel.  A willingness to learn and to accompany others on the path of service is required.  Further details of each role can be found here >

If you are interested in serving in any of these roles, please contact Christine Boyett on 07776 305785 or send an email to tiben.secretary@bahai.org.uk 

The Scottish Bahá’í Summer School will take place from Thursday 30 July to Sunday 2 August.  The programme, themed “Building Vibrant Communities” will draw inspiration from the life of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and His peerless example of service to humankind. The programme is available here.  Register here by Monday 27 July.

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