Tag Archives: service opportunities

UK Bahá’í News Update

29 April 2022
2 Jamál 179 B.E.

Service opportunities:Office of Public Affairs

The National Spiritual Assembly is seeking appicants for  two important and exciting roles in the Office of Public Affairs.

As the number of those participating in community-building activities rises, so does the need for the Bahá’í community to offer, as a unified body, its considered perspective on obstacles to social progress and on issues that weigh on the minds and spirits of those with whom it interacts.

Universal House of Justice, 30 December 2021, To the Continental Boards of Counsellors

The Discourse Programme Officer will assist the OPA coordinating team to develop and implement strategies for building relationships with like-minded organisations and individuals, who operate at the national level, and share a common concern for the wellbeing of humanity.  These include civil society actors, media practitioners, government parliamentarians, academics, and other Faith communities.  Full job description and details, here >

The Media Assistant will assist with overseeing the Office’s involvement in the discourse on media as well as the national Web presence, social media and all outgoing communications.  Full job description and details, here >

A salary is offered to enable successful applicants to carry out their service. As with all service to the Faith, there is also the opportunity to undertake it on a voluntary basis or part-voluntary basis.

National Online Memorial Meeting

The National Spiritual Assembly warmly invites all the friends to a National Online Memorial Meeting at which the Roll of Honour, remembering those believers from the United Kingdom – and others who had a close relationship with this community – who have passed away during the year, will be read and prayers will be said for the progress of their souls.  The meeting will take place on Zoom on Sunday 29 May at 7.30pm.

The Zoom link will be: 
Meeting ID: 889 4039 9964
Passcode: 225234

Perspective: A call to common cause –
religious leadership in an age of transition >

by Bani Dugal, Principal Representative of the Bahá’í International Community United Nations Office

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