Tag Archives: social justice

Message from the Regional Bahá’í Council for England

15 August 2022
15 Kamál 179 B.E.

– Message from the Regional Bahá’í Council for England
– Houses of Worship: Intricate exterior design of DRC temple comes into view
– Bahá’í World Publication: New article examines the pursuit of social justice

SLE 0376 
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To all believers in England

Dearly loved friends,

The Bahá’í Council for England extends its great love to each and every one of you as the first months pass of this precious Nine Year Plan.  How noble and inspiring it has been that more than 3000 friends – including both Bahá’ís and those equally in awe of the Revelation of the Blessed Beauty – have participated in at least 10 conferences across England, as guests of the National Spiritual Assembly and in response to the call of the beloved Universal House of Justice!

The Council has consulted at length on the feasibility of holding summer schools this year, in light of responding to the needs of the community of the Greatest Name.  It recognises the importance of the institution of the summer school in “deepening the knowledge of the friends” and introducing a “Bahá’í atmosphere of life and thought”.  The Council has been mindful of how many friends have missed participating face-to-face at summer schools.  The beloved Guardian described summer schools as an opportunity “to fully acquaint themselves, not only by mere study but through whole-hearted and active collaboration in various Bahá’í activities, with the essentials of the Administration and in this way enable them to become efficient and able promoters of the Cause….

Given the enormous energy that went into executing the World Conferences across England, the Council has not had the resources to offer summer schools in England this year, especially as – at the sub-regional and neighbourhood level – scores of individuals, whole communities and institutions came together to “realise a goal in reach, and for every goal a path to reach it.”  Whilst this has been a difficult decision, the Council is heartened to see the abundant opportunities for service and strengthening fellowship that are being made available to all communities throughout this summer period.

As you receive this letter, a Golden Summer of Service is underway, gaining in momentum and vibrancy. Across all 33 clusters in England, a movement of youth is emerging, building young people’s capacity to serve society through the courses of the Training Institute, as well as service opportunities in smaller settings in communities. In addition, England’s summer calendar has been enriched with neighbourhood seminars, teaching campaigns, neighbourhood projects, local conferences, neighbourhood and children festivals, and residential youth, junior youth and family camps. The Council is delighted to see such unifying labours of love for the Cause of the Prince of Peace!

Witnessing the wide range of the Baha’i activities described above – and the sacrificial energy channelled into their arrangements – the Council feels that surging spiritual energies and determination to release the society-building of the Faith in ever-greater measures, are now being nurtured with great vigour.  It is hoped that the friends will take great confidence in, and be sustained by, the transformative and unifying power being generated, which will propel the Bahá’í community further forward in the Nine Year Plan.

The Council extends its heartfelt love to you, your families and the community of enkindled souls being raised up through the processes of this sacred and divine Plan.

With abiding love,

Carmel Kalani,

Houses of Worship: Intricate exterior design of DRC temple comes into view

Work on the decorative tile cladding of the dome of the Bahá’í House of Worship in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has notably advanced in recent weeks, alongside progress of other elements of the central edifice and surrounding grounds. Read more at this link >

Bahá’í World Publication: New article examines the pursuit of social justice 

The past century has seen the emergence of a rich landscape of social movements aimed at overcoming injustice, prompted by a growing consciousness of the oneness of humankind. The most recent Bahá’í World article, “The Pursuit of Social Justice,” examines this evolving landscape, correlating fundamental spiritual principles and insights from Bahá’í endeavour with approaches employed by prevalent movements in their work for social justice.  Read more at this link >

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