Tag Archives: soul

‘Immortality of the Soul and the Thirst for Spirituality’ – course with Mr Hooper Dunbar

18 September 2013
11 ‘Izzat B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Italy have asked us to share the attached message with you.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom


‘Immortality of the Soul and the Thirst for Spirituality’

Course presented by Mr. Hooper Dunbar

December 22-28, 2013 Acuto, Italy

In answer to the question “how to best give the Baha’i message” Abdu’l-Baha offered the following guidance: “The first thing to do is to acquire a thirst for Spirituality, then Live the Life! Live the Life! Live the Life! The way to acquire this thirst is to meditate upon the future life.”

Dear Friends, We are glad to announce that the registration for this year’s Study Course is now open. Since his retirement from the Universal House of Justice in 2010, Mr. Dunbar has begun a systematic organization of materials with the thought of preparing a publication on the topic of the Immortality of the Soul. Due to popular requests, he has extracted some of the high-lights from this material into a series of lectures and workshops which he will share with the friends at Acuto this winter.

The course will be entirely in English and more information about the program can be found on the Facebook page http://on.fb.me/15hvvoi

Please note that the course will start on the evening of 22 December 2013, until the evening of 27 December 2013. 28 December is for departures only. If you have any questions regarding the registration, please feel free to email studycourse@bahai.it

Best wishes,
The Study Course Task Force

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