Tag Archives: temples

UK Bahá’í News Update

18 June 2020
16 Núr 177 B.E.


 Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity undergraduate seminars
 Elevate: New content
 BWNS: In Africa, as one temple rises, anticipation builds for another
 BIC: Building trust and the relationships that sustain society

Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity undergraduate seminars

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the uncertainty that surrounds it, the decision has been taken to postpone the holding of the ISGP undergraduate seminars in person.  In its place there will be an online seminar taking place from the 20-24 August which will be open to those youth who are currently at university or expecting to start in September 2020. 

Further information, including the exact timings of the seminar, will be communicated in the coming weeks.  Should you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the ISGP coordinating team at isgpuk@gmail.com

Elevate: New content
Elevate, a collection of resources to support a growing movement to create greater spiritual consciousness, can be found at https://www.elevateworld.org/

Collections of prayers, readings and inspirational materials to use in devotional gatherings and inspire elevated conversation and action are now available on the topics of Upholding Justice at the Individual Level, Change, Overcoming Racism, Mental Health, Joy, Wellness, Hope, Friendship, Patience, Strength and Gratitude.




In Africa, as one temple rises, anticipation builds for another

Although at very different stages of development, the sites designated for Bahá’í Houses of Worship in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo are providing an early glimpse of the rising spirit of hope and unity.  Read more, here >

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Bahá’í International Community Perspective
Building trust and the relationships that sustain society: from commitments to actions
Read more here >
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