Tag Archives: UK Baha’i Choir

Bahá’í Choir of the United Kingdom

To all believers in the United Kingdom

3 November 2014
19 ‘Ilm 170 B.E.

Dearly loved Friends,

Please see below a message from the UK Bahá’í Choir team for your kind attention.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom

Bahá’í Choir of the UK

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dear Friends,

The Bahá’í Choir of the United Kingdom would like to warmly invite you to join in this creative opportunity to serve through the gift of singing!

We are urgently looking for singers in all voice parts, but especially 3 sopranos and 1 bass to help balance the Choir for our upcoming rehearsal weekend in Cambridge (Fri, 14th Nov, 9.30am, to Sun, 16th Nov, 3pm) which includes two performances.

What is the Bahá’i Choir of the United Kingdom?
The Choir is composed of a diverse group of people from all of the United Kingdom (and farther afield) who enjoy singing songs either about the Bahá’í teachings or taken directly from the Writings. We meet about three times a year for a long weekend rehearsal, which always includes a performance for the local community, and we also perform at several other events, such as National Convention. In order to maximise the time we have for rehearsals, the members learn the songs beforehand by listening to them (either downloaded from the Choir website or sent to them as an audio CD and/or sheet music).

What does the Choir do, and how can I join?
In order to become a singing member of the Choir, you need to be able to learn and repeat melodies and rhythms. Please apply through our website www.uk.bahaichoir.com or request a paper form from Steph (uk@bahaichoir.com or 07515 122140). Financial support is available to enable choir members to perform this service.

How can local communities make use of the Choir?
We support local communities in their process in the Five Year Plan, e.g. by having a musical devotional, a presentation with music leading to invitations to the core activities, a musical fireside, public celebrations of special occasions (such as holy days), interfaith devotionals or services, collaborative community concerts etc.

A document listing further ideas and details has been prepared by the Choir committee for communities interested in inviting the Choir – we are waiting for you to get in touch (at uk@bahaichoir.com).

Are there other ways to support the Choir?
We are currently looking for a visual artist to design a logo for us – please contact us if you would be willing to serve in this way.

Upcoming Choir Dates:

  • 14th – 16th November 2014: Cambridge – still urgently require more singers!
  • 27th – 29th March 2015: Scotland (location tbd, likely near/in Edinburgh)
  • 24th – 26th April 2015: National Convention

We would be happy to be invited to other locations during the rest of 2015 and all of 2016 – please do not hesitate to contact us!

A wonderful song giveth wings to the spirit and filleth the heart with exaltation. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá)

With loving Bahá’í greetings,
The Choir Team

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