Tag Archives: UK Baha’i Choir

UK Bahá’í Choir Looking for new members

10th Masá’il 171 (21st December 2014)

To the general mailing list of the UK Bahá’í Choir
To all choir members

Dear Friends,

The UK Bahá’í Choir is continuing to bring uplifting melodies to various parts of the United Kingdom: our most recent rehearsals were held at the Welsh summer school (in August 2014) and in Cambridge (in November 2014). Both received very positive feedback from both the audience and the singers.

You may be aware that the Choir is striving to expand its membership, in particular to rise above a “magical” number of singers, namely about 30, which will lift the Choir out of the chamber choir size and transform its sound to that of a large choir. We are therefore writing to you to encourage you to spread the word about the Choir, and encourage anybody you know who likes to sing to apply for membership (or, if you are not currently a member yourself, please do consider applying). Having been to almost all rehearsals since the beginning of this UK-wide Choir in December 2012, I can say that I have always left them feeling uplifted and full of renewed energy.

Our upcoming rehearsal weekend is 27th – 29th March 2015 in Edinburgh, which we will be closing with a performance on the Sunday. As usual, the Choir will also be present at next year’s National Convention (24th – 26th April 2015 in Wigan) where we will contribute to several of the devotionals.

It is the choir committee’s great hope that we might be able to reach 30 members for our Edinburgh rehearsal, (at the moment about 15 current members (but far too few sopranos) have signed up) and we would be immensely grateful if you could assist us in this endeavour.

With loving greetings,

Stephanie Greis
Coordinator of the Baha’i Choir of the United Kingdom
07515 122140
For more information and to join, please visit our website, www.uk.bahaichoir.com

Click here to download Choir Newsletter

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