Tag Archives: Unit Conventions

National Convention and Unit Convention recommendations – National Spiritual Assembly responses

National Spiritual Assembly

14 September 2017
8 ‘Izzat 174 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly is pleased to share with you copies of its responses to the recommendations raised at the unit conventions in January – February 2017 and the National Convention in April 2017.

As always, each recommendation received by the National Assembly has been carefully deliberated upon. Some recommendations require a good deal of time to consider fully, or indeed to implement, and in doing so the National Assembly sometimes calls upon the advice and guidance of its agencies that are expert in various fields of service, such as the Regional Bahá’í Councils, regional training institute boards and the Office of Public Affairs. Many of the recommendations received from conventions can have a significant effect on the growth and development of the Faith in the United Kingdom and, hence, the National Assembly greatly values receiving recommendations that have been thoughtfully and prayerfully considered and which address the opportunities, concerns and needs of the community.

Hard copies of these documents can be obtained, if required, by writing to the National Spiritual Assembly, 27 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PD; phoning 020 7584 2566; or emailing nsa@bahai.org.uk.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

National Convention Recommendations 2017

Unit Convention Recommendations 2017

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