Tag Archives: videos

Web Channel 9 — new videos of Ruhiyyih Khanum and Ian Semple

7 September 2016
1 ‘Izzat 173 B.E.

Please see below a message from Web Channel 9 for your kind attention.

Web Channel 9 is happy to announce its new website design and to celebrate is releasing the first part of a newly remastered, as yet unpublished talk, originally given in 1987 by Amatu’l-Baha Ruhiyyih Khanum in Glasgow. In this fascinating film Ruhiyyih Khanum talks about the beauty of the Scottish character, and names places she and Shoghi Effendi visited in Scotland:


Subsequent parts from this talk will be released on Web Channel 9 in coming months. Also newly available is Part 1 of an unseen interview from 2006 with former Universal House of Justice member, Mr Ian Semple. Here Ian Semple talks to Dana Haqjoo about the experience of being elected to the very first Universal House of Justice in 1963.

Also featured on the new site is a short set recorded in the Web Channel 9 studio featuring US musician Jamal Corrie performing live some of the Baha’i Writings, with Duncan Thomas on percussion.

Loving greetings,
Web Channel 9 team

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