Tag Archives: Wales

Summer Schools 2020

22 July 2020
11 Kalimát 177 B.E.

English Summer Schools 2020 – registration opens

Saturday 29 – Monday 31 August 2020

Theme: Dynamics of building vibrant communities

In these concluding months of the Five-Year-Plan, and with the centenary of the passing of the beloved Master marking the end of the first century of the Formative Age now firmly in sight, the programme for these historic online Summer Schools promises to be uplifting and inspiring, as we arise, shoulder to shoulder, to fulfill our pledge in this spiritual enterprise.

Register for a Summer School by clicking on the relevant links below:

Northern England Summer School registration
Southern England Summer School registration

For logistical purposes, there are two separate links for the online Northern and Southern England Summer Schools and friends are invited to register for only one of the two events which will be running simultaneously.

Registration for both Schools will initially be open only to friends in England until 8 August. It will then be extended to all other friends until the final deadline date of 22 August. Since spaces in each course are limited, friends are lovingly reminded to only select the courses that they can attend in full to allow for as many people as possible to participate.

Welsh Summer School 2020 – registration opens

Wednesday 12 – Sunday 16 August 2020

Theme: Being at the heart of change

It is with great joy that the organising team for the Welsh Summer School announces that registration is now open and can be accessed from the Summer School website here >

This year’s Summer School focuses on the life and station of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, exploring the extraordinary qualities of His character and His service to humanity, promoting the ideals of peace and unity.

This is the first virtual Welsh Summer School over Zoom, making it more accessible to all.  There will be a £10 charge per person to cover materials to be sent out in advance.  Please book as soon as you can, as places for all age groups are limited.

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