Tag Archives: Wales

Welsh Bahá’í Summer School – bookings open

1 July 2016
9 Raḥmat 173 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Baha’i Welsh Summer School 2016 Coordinator for your kind attention.

Dearest Friends,

We are happy to announce that you are now able to register and book your place at our wonderful Welsh Baha’i Summer School 2016. The theme this year is ‘The Transforming Power of The Word of God‘.

The School this year is focused on being ‘open to all’ in every sense possible. All the course names reflect this, and every plenary speaker and course facilitator has been asked to make sure the language and wording used is accessible to friends of the Faith, those in our ‘community of interest’. The vision of the Baha’i Council for Wales is that we invite our friends, neighbours and family to join us for an uplifting and spiritually rejuvenating School – one that will assist us even further with our community building efforts in this new 5 year Plan.

This year we have booked the whole venue at beautiful Llangrannog and so we are organising even more courses and spaces for reflection and socialising. As usual we have a full programme of sports activities on offer every afternoon, as well as cliff walks and arts activities.

As I’m sure you have all heard by now, the NSA has joyfully decided to significantly subsidise summer schools and other events. The friends can, if they wish, pay more than the subsidised price up to the full price. The details of this are on both websites below.

Also, there is an extra subsidy (from the NSA) available for married couples sharing a room only in order to assist families to attend. If you would like to have this, please a) book as a couple as normal but don’t make the payment. b) email the Registrar who will adjust the amount payable, then c) once you hear back from the Registrar go back to your booking and make the payment at the reduced rate.

Please go to http://www.bahaievents.org.uk to register, choose courses and pay for your place.

To find out more about the courses, overall programme (which will be updated on a weekly basis) and the Venue please go to http://www.welshbahaischool.co.uk

Our Registrar is Mehran Golestani – and his email address for all Summer School enquiries is: mehran.wss.registrar@gmail.com

Much love to you all,

Fleur Missaghian
Baha’i Welsh Summer School 2016 Coordinator

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