Tag Archives: youth conferences

East of England Youth Conference

12 June 2014

8 Núr 171 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Please see below a message sent on behalf of the Bahá’í Council for England for your kind attention.

With loving greetings,

Department of the Secretariat
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’í’s of the United Kingdom


To the Baha’is of the United Kingdom,

“Blessed is he who in the prime of his youth and the heyday of his life will arise to serve the Cause of the Lord of the beginning and of the end, and adorn his heart with His love. The manifestation of such a grace is greater than the creation of the heavens and of the earth. Blessed are the steadfast and well is it with those who are firm.” ~ Bahá’u’lláh

Dearly loved Friends,

Little more than a year ago, the beloved Universal House of Justice called for the holding of an additional 19 Youth Conferences around the globe. This call came following the enthusiastic response from communities all over the world to the 95 announced in February 2013, and it was to enable an even larger number of youth to attend one of these life-changing conferences.

The materials studied at the London Youth Conference, identical to those studied in all the other conferences, have been widely distributed in our national community and have sparked thoughts and actions the full potentialities of whose outcomes we are as yet unaware of. In light of the many youth who still long “to reflect, to commit, to steer themselves for a life of service”, the study of these materials will be continued this summer to enable an ever-increasing number of youth to be affected by the transformative power of the principles therein presented.

It is therefore with great joy that we are able to announce the holding of the East of England Youth Conference for those aged 15 to 30, to be held on the 20th-22nd of June 2014 in Stowmarket, Suffolk. The youth residing in Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Two Shires are warmly encouraged to attend, and all members of these communities are kindly asked to invite their friends and like-minded youth from the wider community to join. It would also be greatly appreciated if the local communities could lend their support to the youth attending in whatever manner possible.

For more information and to register, please visit this website. Please note that registrations will close on Sunday, 15th June. To ensure a spot, please register before this date. For any queries that you may have, please send us an e-mail.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

The Task Force

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