Tag Archives: youth conferences

UK Bahá’í News Update












  • Youth Gatherings in May
  • Pilgrimage Desk
  • General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR]
  • Credentials for National Convention
  • ISGP Seminar for University Graduates and Young Professionals

Youth Gatherings in May

At every stage in the history of the Faith, youth have played a critical role in meeting the needs of the time.  Once called, they responded swiftly and with heroic deeds.  At this hour of great need, when ‘herculean labour’ is required to win the goals the Five Year Plan, the National Assembly is calling the youth of the United Kingdom together, to lay before them the pressing needs of the moment, to seek their aid and assistance, and to help them consider the unique opportunity before them to arise and emulate the deeds of their spiritual forebears.

By now, every Bahá’í between the ages of 15 and 30 in England, Scotland and Wales should have received a special invitation to day-long gatherings being held in four cities, during the weekend of 5-6 May.  The meetings are being held in Edinburgh, London, Manchester and Oxford.  Further gatherings will be held in the months ahead, including in Northern Ireland.  All Local Spiritual Assemblies and Groups have been called upon to offer as much support as is possible to enable the youth to attend one of the gatherings.  If you are aware of any youth who has not yet received an invitation, please inform nsa@bahai.org.uk.  These gatherings are not to be missed.

Pilgrimage Desk

Pilgrimage is one of the divine ordinances enshrined in Bahá’u’lláh’s Most Holy Book.  It is now also possible to take friends and family members who are not yet declared believers on a full nine-day pilgrimage.  Some communities and neighbourhood groups have already availed themselves of this precious opportunity which has had a profound effect on all who went.

To promote pilgrimage further and assist the friends with any practical questions, a Pilgrimage Desk has now been established by the National Spiritual Assembly.  Mrs. Farahnaz Mahoney and Mr. Paul Mahoney have been appointed to manage the Pilgrimage Desk and may be in contact with your community in the near future.  They can also be contacted via pilgrimage@bahai.org.uk.

General Data Protection Regulation

The new European Data Protection law – the General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] – will take effect as of 25 May 2018 replacing the previous Data Protection Act.  The National Assembly is taking the required measures to ensure compliance and will soon provide guidance to all the believers and Local Assemblies on how to comply with the new law in processing the personal data of the community for administrative purposes.  In the meantime, kindly send any queries you may have to gdpr@bahai.org.uk.

Credentials for National Convention

If you are planning to attend National Convention, please ensure that you bring along your Bahá’í credential card.  This card will ensure your admittance, and serve as your Convention identification badge.  If you do not have a credential card, please contact records@bahai.org.uk.

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