Tag Archives: youth conferences

Winter Youth Conference

National Spiritual Assembly

14 September 2017
8 ‘Izzat 174 B.E.

To all believers in the United Kingdom

Dearly loved Friends,

Winter Youth Conference, December 2017

The National Spiritual Assembly is delighted to announce that there will be a Youth Conference at the end of this year for the Bahá’í youth of the United Kingdom and Ireland, and their friends. The Conference is likely to take place in the north of England from 26-31 December 2017. Both the venue and exact dates and times will be confirmed in due course, but youth and their families are encouraged to make note of the dates now so that the process of planning and saving can begin in preparation for the event.

The event, which will welcome up to 300 participants aged between 15 and 30, is being called by the National Assembly in full collaboration with Counsellor Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi and the Auxiliary Board members. It is hoped that it will serve to give a further impetus to the youth movement, and energise participants further about the particular services they can render during this period in their lives, including helping to move their clusters forward at this stage in the Five Year Plan.

All youth are warmly encouraged to invite their friends and fellow students – as well as friends of the Faith taking part in community building activities – who could join the youth movement and make their contribution towards building a better world.

Please be sure to notify all youth of the Conference dates and, if necessary, consult within your communities about finding the means to facilitate their full participation.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,

Patrick O’Mara,

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