Category Archives: Baha’i Council for Scotland

Scottish Bahá’í Summer School – last week for registration

4 July 2017
12 Raḥmat 174 B.E.

Please see below a message from the Scottish Summer School Committee for your kind attention.

Dear Friends,

We’re in the last week of registration for this year’s Scottish Summer School in scenic Perthshire (so the time for indulgent registration delay is over…!). Registration and all available details are linked to the website below:

The summer school is always one of the yearly highlights of our community’s calendar, and open to all, whether child, youth or adult. This year the theme of the School is “The Twin Manifestations”, and we are fortunate to have Dr Khazeh Fananapazir speaking on this at the school, and Dr Peter Hulme running a programme on the subject of “Unity” (discussing different elements of unity…personal and collective). We will also be running full programmes for children and junior youth, as well as a Ruhi 1 study circle, and some study circle ‘refresher’ courses.

We look forward to joining you again for this special time of learning, fun and friendship.

Warm regards,
Scottish Summer School Committee 2017
(Diana, Ellen, John, Philip, Ian)

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