Category Archives: Conferences

UK Bahá’í News Update

13 April 2022
5 Jalál 179 B.E.

– Response to the current conflict in Europe
– Membership of the Bahá’í Council for England
– Online and social media resources for wave of conferences

Response to the current conflict in Europe

On 1 April 2022, the Universal House of Justice responded to an individual believer regarding the situation in the Ukraine and responses that can be made as Bahá’ís.  Two paragraphs from the letter are offered below for the friends to reflect upon:

Your concern for the well-being of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples at this time that has prompted you to write is warmly acknowledged.  The heart of a Bahá’í cannot help but be affected by the torrent of news and images depicting the plight and suffering of the hundreds of thousands of souls who are caught up in such a devastating ordeal.  As you can appreciate, the challenge now confronting Europe is yet another manifestation of the disintegration of a lamentably defective world order described in such vivid terms by the beloved Guardian. …

Sadly, the war in Ukraine is but the latest of the unfolding tragedies and hardships humanity has inflicted upon itself as a result of its refusal, or inability, to establish a just order.  Many of these dire incidents do not receive the widespread attention of the world, but are no less severe in their impact upon divers populations.  The ultimate resolution is the embrace of the  healing remedy brought by the Divine Physician, first in the form of the Lesser Peace, as you have observed, and then through attainment of the Most Great Peace.  Prayer and acts of service may seem like a feeble and slow response when weapons of destruction are fired; they are, however, the  means by which, ultimately, those weapons will be silenced forever.

Membership of the Bahá’í Council for England

Ms. Sara Talai has asked to be relieved of service as a member of the Regional Bahá’í Council for England and this request has been accepted by the National Spiritual Assembly. 

We are pleased to inform you that, in accordance with the guidance, and based on the election results on the Day of the Covenant last year, Ms. Carmel Kalani will now take up service on the Regional Council. 

In the coming days the Council will be electing a new Secretary and an announcement of this will be made at that time.

Online and social media resources for wave of conferences

As the wave of conferences gets under way in the United Kingdom, there are a number of online and social media platforms that are carrying further information, photographs, videos and reports for the friends to use and share.

Click on the image above to see a video that is available for sharing on WhatsApp promoting the conference website. 

This link is connected to a page detailing all online and social media coverage >

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