Tag Archives: Birthday of the Bab

Bicentenary News Update 4

29 October 2019
14 ‘Ilm 176 B.E.

A fourth selection of activities from around the UK marking the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.  Please remember to report all bicentenary activities using the online form.  The 72-hour rolling news coverage continues on the international Bicentenary site and there’s more on theUK Bahá’í Bicentenary Facebook page.

In Aberdeen, the bicentenary celebration featured cultural representation from various parts of the community, and a sequence of stories.

At a neighbourhood celebration in Sheffield, the children’s class prepared a play about Mulla Husayn’s search for the Promised One and played ‘Pin the Virtue on the Anime Character.’

Members of the children’s class of Bethesda in North Wales have spent weeks creating a play about Tahirih. The play will be presented in another Bicentenary celebration event that will be held in the middle of November, mainly for the children’s families and friends.

The Queen’s representative, the Lord Lieutenant for Northamptonshire David Laing, paid a home visit to the Wellingborough community, to watch Dawn of the Light and hear presentations by the children and junior youth.

The two believers on the small Isle of Holyhead marked the bicentenary with a devotional. They prepared and planted a copper beech tree and nine lavender plants.

Latest bicentenary news from around the Bahá’í world

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