Tag Archives: Birthday of the Bab

Bicentenary News Update 2

Here is a second offering of images from around the UK from activities marking the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb.  Please remember to report all bicentenary activities using the online form.  The 72-hour rolling news coverage continues on the international Bicentenary site and there’s more on the UK Bahá’í Bicentenary Facebook page.

48 children and parents attended a family-friendly celebration in Glasgow, the majority from the neighbourhood. Music, art and activities explored such concepts as the dawning of the light and the importance of unity.  Some parents wanted to know more about the Faith and conversations were held about having regular activity.

Message from the Mayor of Derry City, Northern Ireland

A dramatic performance formed part of the bicentenary celebration in Cambridge.

Thirty friends from the neighbourhood of Leith in Edinburgh attended a programme prepared by the children’s classes. Each class prepared one element of the programme and the arts from the past year of the classes were displayed around the room. 

Bishops Stortford community held a special screening of Dawn of the Light, followed by a devotional. Among the guests were friends who attend their regular devotionals, a Rabbi and the Mayor.

Young friends in the Kingsmead estate in Hackney, London, prepare and celebrate the bicentenary.

Latest bicentenary news from around the Bahá’í world

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