Tag Archives: goals

Update from Bahá’í Council for Wales

Dearly loved friends,

The Council for Wales sends its love and best wishes to all of you and wishes to share some recent news from its consultations.

At the last full Council meeting Counsellor Shirin Fozdar, a representative from the NSA, the Regional Institute Coordinator and Auxiliary Board Members, consulted with the Council on the progress of the Cause in Wales. Since the Regional Festival in January at least 38 people have signed up to study Ruhi book 5, the animator training for junior youth groups and there are plans to start these groups in several clusters.

Goals for the next twelve months

The council is currently in the process of making plans for the next year and has set the following goals:-

  • To ensure that the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Programme is firmly established in Wales and that there are at least three groups.
  • That there are at least two neighbourhoods with ‘intense activity’ in Wales
  • That the West Wales Cluster is past the first ‘milestone’

These are goals that are seen to be both achievable and challenging.

The Council is regularly consulting on how it can best support and empower the friends to enable these goals to be reached and also on how best to support all the friends in Wales in their teaching work.

95 (+19) Youth Conferences

The Council has been consulting about the forthcoming Youth Conference, which is now confirmed to be held in Warwick University, from 30th August – 1st September. It is the Council’s hope that all the friends will be able to respond to this call of the House of Justice to find ways to invite those young souls who already recognise “in the methods and instruments of the Plan potent means for movement towards a better society”. The Council is also consulting about how to help those youth who are already committed to attending the conference to reach out to youth in their wider communities and to invite to contribute to the Faith’s community building endeavour.

Summer School

The Baha’i Council for Wales warmly invites you to book your place for the – Welsh Baha’i Summer School (23rd – 26th August 2013) at the L & A Outdoor Centre, Goytre, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, SA13 2YP.

Theme: Working Towards Individual and Collective Transformation.

For more details or to make your booking please contact the registrar Peter Jenkins on peterjenkins3@sky.com or tel: 01656 712947.

With loving Bahá’í greetings

Bahá’í Council for Wales

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